Hi, I'm Sofia Soria of Circle.Skye Arts! From a young age I've always loved creating art, whether it be doodling on lined paper in class, or planning out full-blown paintings on canvases. I love portraying emotions and small details in my artwork and I work to improve these little details day-by-day. A lot of my inspiration comes from listening to music, watching films and reading novels.
At age 14, my “Elders’ Wisdom” piece was chosen and published as the book cover of “Journey in Education for Reconciliation”. At age 15, I received the “Harry Wohlfarth Drawing Award” at the “ACACA Alberta Wide Show” for my “John Lennon” piece at my very first art show. At age 16, I found myself working as an illustrator for the book series “The Lost Boys Trilogy” by Riley Quinn found at Chapters bookstores. In turn, I'd love to write and illustrate my own novel someday.
Other interests of mine include learning new songs on my guitar and singing from time to time. Art has given me the opportunity to express and enjoy myself while gaining experience and being rewarded for my creative efforts, allowing me to pursue it as a career.
At age 14, my “Elders’ Wisdom” piece was chosen and published as the book cover of “Journey in Education for Reconciliation”. At age 15, I received the “Harry Wohlfarth Drawing Award” at the “ACACA Alberta Wide Show” for my “John Lennon” piece at my very first art show. At age 16, I found myself working as an illustrator for the book series “The Lost Boys Trilogy” by Riley Quinn found at Chapters bookstores. In turn, I'd love to write and illustrate my own novel someday.
Other interests of mine include learning new songs on my guitar and singing from time to time. Art has given me the opportunity to express and enjoy myself while gaining experience and being rewarded for my creative efforts, allowing me to pursue it as a career.